Manta, with a population of approximately 140,000, is Ecuador’s major port along the central coast. Colorful fishing villages, unspoiled beaches and unusual tropical dry forest make Manta an attractive tourist destination and the starting point for exciting day trips. Nearby, Montecristi was founded in the early 1600s with its colonial architecture. This small town is best known for its woven wickerwork, and as the birth place of the “Panama hat” which although historically produced in Ecuador, were first widely distributed from Panama.

Port: Manta


All programs below may not be available on every sailing.

    Ecuador’s Galápagos Islands are one of the world’s most remarkable destinations: an open-air wildlife museum that stirs the explorer within everyone. The archipelago, located about 600 miles west of mainland Ecuador, is home to an astonishing variety of endemic species — enough to inspire a theory that would change the world — and proves an irresistible destination for adventurers and nature-lovers to this day.

    Special Note: Due to the nature of the day trips on this program, it is not suitable for guests who have walking difficulty or utilize a wheelchair. Guests must be able to get in and out of small dinghy boats with little to no assistance. Also, any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    DAY 1 – January 14, 2023

    Disembark your ship in the port of Manta and transfer by road 3-hours to Guayaquil for a flight to the Galapagos Islands.

    Upon arrival at Baltra Airport, a Galapagos Naturalist Guide will welcome the group and help with luggage and guidance towards a public bus that will drive towards the Itabaca Channel. Next board a public ferry for a 5-minute crossing of the azure waters of the channel towards Santa Cruz. On Santa Cruz, board a private vehicle to transfer to Puerto Ayora on the other side of the island. Driving through the rural areas of the island, you will experience the agriculture of the archipelago as well as the diversity of its flora. Surrounded by wild landscapes and different species, keep a lookout for the finches that are famous for being the basis of Darwin´s theory of evolution.

    Lunch will be served at a local venue in the highlands.

    During your visit to the Santa Cruz Highlands, watch the famous Galapagos land tortoises in their natural environment and learn how the private ranches aid to protect these special animals. You can hear their sounds while they are trying to eat the leaves of the trees or crashing through the undergrowth. Tortoises of all different ages and sizes gather here: small young ones with shining carapaces, and older ones which are a little bit more laggard and cracks in their shells showing evidence of a long life. While seeking the giant tortoises, your local guide will share the story of the origin the lava tunnels located at this area. Formed by the lava floods of the volcanoes, they range from the highlands down to the sea level.

    Continue to your hotel for check-in. Dinner is served at the hotel after an exciting and memorable day.

    The 4-star private family-owned Royal Palm Hotel is located in the lush Miconia Highland Forests adjacent to the Galapagos National Park of Santa Cruz. The 190-hectare estate is nestled in a valley between two extinct cinder cone volcanoes and has nine different areas of geological interest. The hotel has the relaxed and informal charm of an Ecuadorian Hacienda offering a unique sense of natural space and quiet seclusion. The Royal Palm’s Casitas are located close to the hotel’s amenities. Each Casita has a spacious bedroom with either a king size bed or two queens, dining area, en-suite bathroom, indoor Jacuzzi or wet room and a front porch or terrace overlooking onto the gardens.

    DAY 2 – January 15, 2023

    Today take a full day boat tour to one of the nearby Islands. The island chosen for the day is subject to confirmation by Galapagos National Park Management much closer to the program operation date. This government institution assigns the island tours based on technical ecological analysis and is dependent on the number of groups visiting the area at the same time. RSSC nor our local ground operator can control which programs are chosen for each day. Start times vary from 6:00am – 8:30am depending on the program.

    Island Tours:


    Experience a day in paradise with beautiful white beaches, outer space ambient, clear water, and observe as many native animals start their day.

    On the two-hour boat trip breakfast is served while watching the sunrise at sea. There may be an opportunity to observe dolphins and other marine residents very close to the boat in the early hours.

    Landing in Bartolome, approximately 300 steps lead up through the moon-like landscape to the highest point of the island. The reward is an amazing view over the islands Santiago, North Seymour, Baltra, Santa Cruz and Rábida. Also in view is Chinese Hat Island, as well as the well-known Pinnacle Rock, which is all that remains of an ancient volcano. The rock is home to a large quantity of sea birds and is the most photographed landscape in the Galapagos Islands.

    After changing clothes for a beach visit, board the dinghy-ride for a short ride to Sullivan Bay for snorkeling. Those who don't wish to snorkel may stay on the dinghy to search among the rocks for the diminutive Galapagos Penguin. Back at the beach enjoy some time to relax or swim. The shallow sea invites you to go swimming and snorkeling while we search for Galapagos penguins, sharks, starfish, rays, sea turtles and other exotic and colorful fish. Enjoy the diversity of native residents such as marine iguanas, sea lions, pelicans, and more. After this amazing adventure, lunch is served on the return journey.


    This tour offers the golden chance to get to know Seymour Island and Bachas beach. During the 1-hour boat navigation to Seymour Island, observe the slow awakening of the archipelago as the day begins.

    Disembark your boat and board a dinghy for a ride along the rocky coast near a small forest consisting of gray and silver Palo Santo (Holy Stick) trees, which are without leaves for most of the year. Seymour is famous for its large colonies of birds. The unique male frigate birds with their inflated red pouches attract females during breeding season, and the famous Galapagos blue-footed boobies can be observed as well. Other highlights of this excursion are a beach with small cliffs, seagulls, many sea lions, marine iguanas and pelicans, most only an arm's length away.

    A freshly cooked lunch consists of two courses and is served on the boat. After lunch, your boat navigates to Bachas beach along the northern coast of Santa Cruz Island. Take a short hike to the flamingo pond just behind the beach, and afterwards refresh with swimming and snorkeling at this isolated paradise beach with white sand and turquoise waters. Sea lions, rays, sea turtles, and tropical fish may join in our underwater experience!


    Board a boat and cruise to South Plaza Island. The island welcomes travelers with a bright colorful red and green carpet of sesuvio, an endemic plant, spread over the Island, as well as the loud, friendly barking of several sea lion families which have settled down on the shore of the channel between North and South Plaza Islands where your boat anchors. The turquoise water of the ocean juxtaposes perfectly with the white shining beaches and the black lava rocks of the coast.

    The hike is easy and goes alongside relaxing sea lions and land iguanas which can be found on most parts of the island. The trail leads to the highest cliff where swallow-tailed gulls cross the air screaming. Here lie the sea lions which could not persist against their competitors climbing up the almost vertical wall. At the same time, tropical birds, blue-footed boobies, and other marine frigate birds glide gently in the wind. We suggest guests bring along binoculars in order to get an extraordinary close view of these animals, as well as the other marine life. The view from the highest point over the ocean and the powerful waves breaking at the cliffs is an experience that visitors will not forget.

    Afterwards, the trip continues to Punta Carrion, where lunch is served on board the boat. This is a great spot to snorkel and swim among rays, sharks, and hundreds of colorful tropic fish.


    Formed by uplifting, rather than by a volcano, Santa Fe is known for having one of the most beautiful coves in all the Galapagos. Some of the island’s endemic species include the Galapagos hawk, Galapagos snake, land iguanas, various types of finches, and the Galapagos mockingbird. The visit includes a hike on a trail past salt bushes where Galapagos hawks as well as the Santa Fe land iguanas tend to roam. Playful sea lions will usually accompany swimmers and snorkelers during beach time.


    Navigate to the small town of Puerto Velasco Ibarra located on the Floreana Island (approximately 2.5 hours from Santa Cruz). Upon arrival, take local transportation known as “Chiva” to start a 30-minute ride up to the highlands of Floreana Island. The chiva will ascend a dirt road surrounded by typical dry vegetation which transforms into a lush, green vegetation as you gain elevation. In this area, you will also find some farms with banana, coffee, cacao, and other tropical plantations. The short drive will end at the “pampada” from where you will start a beautiful walk to observe the typical flora of the area. Along the way you will also encounter some giant Galapagos tortoises. Continue to the place known as “Asilo de la Paz” (Peace Asylum), a historical place where the German Wittmer family settled down when they arrived to Floreana in 1932. Observe the caves used as their home before moving to the place which is now known as Puerto Velasco Ibarra. Back in town, enjoy lunch prepared in a small, local restaurant.

    Next, walk to “La Loberia”, a beautiful bay. The main attraction is the presence of a small colony of sea lions. There is also a great chance to observe marine iguanas resting on the rocks, and in the waters of the bay we may be able to see marine turtles.


    This morning, sail to the town of Puerto Villamil on Isabela Island (approximately 3 hours from Santa Cruz). Upon arrival, visit the Isabela Tortoise Breading and Interpretation Center where your guide will explain the different activities developed by the National Park to protect the fragile environment. Here, you will also find Giant Galapagos Tortoises of different species and sizes.

    Afterwards, walk to the place known as “Humedales” (Wetlands). The walk follows a well-maintained path from which you can observe this beautiful place composed by lagoons and rocks and surrounded by four species of mangroves and typical trees of the area. In the lagoons you can observe flamingos and migratory birds.

    After lunch at a local restaurant, visit "Las Tintoreras”, a scenic area where you will find colonies of marine iguanas, sea lions, and many sharks known as Tintoreras (White-tipped sharks) resting in the channels formed by lava flows. Later, you can do some snorkeling, perhaps in the company of sea lions, penguins and marine turtles.

    Regardless of the program selected for the day, your trip ends with a late afternoon return and dinner at your hotel.

    Please Note:

    Boat tours may be shared with independent guests

    Boat sailing during the navigable day tour is usually rough and due to sea conditions, may take longer than 2 hours. The islands to be visited are determined at the sole discretion of the Galapagos National Park Management.

    DAY 3 – January 16, 2023

    This day will be similar to Day 2 but with a different island visited. As with Day 2, the island visited is subject to confirmation closer to program operation.

    Your day trip ends with a late afternoon return and dinner at your hotel.

    DAY 4 – January 17, 2023

    After breakfast, transfer to and visit the Charles Darwin Research Station and its famous residents within an impressive giant prickly-pear cactus forest. These are the headquarters of scientific investigation, conservation, and the National Park administration in the islands.

    Gain insight into the huge efforts being made by scientists, guides, rangers and park managers to preserve this UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Charles Darwin Research Station is also part of the "Centro de Crianza Fausto Llerena" which is the breeding center for the tortoises. Tortoises are raised here in the care of researchers and then when ready re-introduced into their natural environment.

    After this visit, transfer to the airport. On the way, make a short stop to see the Twin Craters. Enjoy a light lunch at the VIP Lounge in Baltra Airport.

    Upon arrival at the Quito Airport, a local guide be waiting to assist the group with check-in procedures for an international flight to Lima where another guide will meet the group for the transfer to the Callao port where you will re-embark the ship.

    Land Program Step by Step:

    Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. This itinerary may change without prior notice due to National Park dispositions or due to force majeure. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Direct flights are never guaranteed. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.

    DAY 1 – timings are dependent on flight details once confirmed

    5:30am Disembarkation at Manta Port

    5:45am Transfer to the Guayaquil’s Airport

    9:15am Arrival to Guayaquil’s Airport and check in procedures

    11:15am Flight to Baltra Island (Flight details TBA and subject to change)

    12:20pm Arrival to Baltra Airport and transfer to Santa Cruz Island

    1:30pm Lunch and visit to the Highlands of Santa Cruz

    4:30pm Transfer to your hotel & check in

    7:00pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Royal Palm Hotel or similar hotel

    DAY 2

    7:00am Breakfast at your hotel or onboard the boat (depending on the navigable tour)

    TBA Navigable tour – to be assigned closer to operation

    TBA Lunch onboard or in a seated venue (depends on the visited island)

    TBA Navigate back to the dock and return to your hotel

    5:00pm Leisure time

    7:00pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Royal Palm Hotel or similar hotel

    DAY 3

    7:00am Breakfast at your hotel or onboard the boat (depending on the navigable tour)

    TBA Navigable tour – to be assigned closer to operation

    TBA Lunch onboard or in a seated venue (depends on the visited island)

    TBA Navigate back to the dock and return to your hotel

    5:00pm Leisure time

    7:00pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Royal Palm Hotel or similar hotel

    DAY 4 – timings are dependent on flight details once confirmed

    7:30am Breakfast at your hotel

    8:00am Transfer to the Charles Darwin Research Station and visit

    09:45am Transfer to the airport with a short stop at the Twin Craters

    10:15am Visit the Twin Craters

    11:30am Arrival to Baltra Airport and check in procedures

    11:45am Lunch at the VIP Lounge

    12:45pm Flight to Quito (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    5:05pm Arrival to Quito airport and assistance for International Flight Check In

    8:00pm Flight to Lima (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    9:55pm Arrival to Lima

    10:15pm Transfer to Callao

    10:45pm Re-board the ship

    Expected Weather:

    The Galapagos Islands have a subtropical climate regulated by the cold Humboldt Current and the warm El Nino current. Weather varies during the year. From December until May temperatures range from the low 80°s (26 C°) to the high 90°s (32°) (with possibilities of rain). From June to September temperatures vary from the low 60°s (15 C°) to the high 70°s (21°). This is the garua season (mist in the mornings). From October until December temperatures range from the 70°s (15 C°) to the 80°s (26 C°) (dry season).

    What to Bring:

    It is not necessary to carry much to the Galapagos, pack light and pack smart. Lightweight, fast drying materials are recommended.

    ?Light loose pants, shorts, shirts (short and long sleeved)

    ?A windbreaker or light sweater for evening or early morning

    ?Hat, sunscreen, sunglasses

    ?Shoes: you will have dry landings (step directly from the dinghy onto dry land) and wet landings (wade to shore from the dinghy through shallow water). You can either bring one pair of “hybrid” shoes that are good for walking and getting wet (Keens are great; Chacos and Tevas work as well), or one set of footwear for getting wet (sandals or water shoes) and one pair to bring ashore in a backpack for hiking (light hikers or sneakers)

    ?Small backpack to carry on land visits for your camera and water

    ?Plastic bag to keep your camera or photographic equipment dry

    ?Snorkeling gear (not essential)

    ?On board the day trip boats, snorkeling gear will be available for all passengers. If you use a fin size smaller than 6-7 or larger than 10-11, please bring your own as these sizes may not be available.

    ?Wetsuit (not essential)

    ?Any required medications and seasick tablets if you are prone to motion sickness on boats


    ?Insect repellent

    Local Currency:

    Ecuador’s local currency is US Dollars


    Ecuador uses 110 volt,60 cycle electricity, same as in the USA. Plugs are typically the 2-pronged flat type so US travelers will not typically need a converter or adapter. In case needed, hotels can provide adaptors.

    Luggage information

    The luggage allowance for all flights on this program are as follows:

    One piece of luggage per person is permitted free of charge. Maximum weight 50 lbs (23 kg)

    Each guest is permitted free of charge one carry-on bag with a maximum of 15 lbs (7 kg).

    Should guests have excess or overweight luggage, any fees will be paid by each guest at the various airports upon check in. The approximate cost is $120 USD per additional suitcase and an additional $120 USD for an overweight bag. Prices are set by the airlines and are subject to change.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has their own regulations)

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via the Reservations Team at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which the cruise line nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Documents and Visa Requirements:

    Please note that passport holders are responsible for obtaining the required documentation applicable for entry. Passports must be valid for at least six (6) months after completion of your journey and should also have sufficient blank pages for visas and immigrations stamps. Guests should check with their local Embassy for any Visa stipulations for their nationality and ensure that proper documentation is obtained if necessary.

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time or incorrect names on flight tickets will result in either denial of travel or ticket re-purchase and guests will be responsible for any fees incurred.

    Aircraft type (subject to change):

    To Galapagos - Airbus A319

    Quito to Lima – Airbus or Boeing


    Royal Palm Hotel

    Km. 18 Via Puerto Ayora Isla Santa Cruz, 200106, Ecuador

    Phone: +593 2-243-4971

    *We will only substitute a hotel in unforeseen situations. If a hotel is substituted, it will be similar and with equal ratings and standards and guests will be notified in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes before departure, then the hotel listed in this program will be used.

    Program Includes for guests:

    •3 nights at the Royal Palm Hotel or similar hotel- Casita

    •Private transportation with air-conditioning (except airport transfer in Baltra)

    •English-speaking guideS

    •Airport assistance in Guayaquil

    •Galapagos Naturalist Guide (provided by the Galapagos National Park) to accompany and guide the guests in the Galapagos Islands

    •1 x 250 ml bottle of water per person on each transfer in the mainland and Galapagos Island

    •Meals as described in the itinerary - 1 soft drink and 2 alcoholic beverages per person at lunch and dinner

    •All activities mentioned in the itinerary

    •Porterage at the Guayaquil & Lima airports

    •Economy class flights per the itinerary

    Program Excludes for guests:

    •Any meals and beverages not listed in the itinerary (including alcoholic beverages and extra soft drinks)

    •All items of a personal nature, such as telephone calls, laundry & curio shop purchases

    •Gratuities for drivers and guides

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service

    •Excess or overweight luggage

    •Any Visa fees if required for your nationality

    Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.

    All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations.

    Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 60 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 60 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.


    Ecuador’s Galápagos Islands are one of the world’s most remarkable destinations: an open-air wildlife museum that stirs the explorer within everyone. The archipelago, located about 600 miles west of mainland Ecuador, is home to an astonishing variety of endemic species — enough to inspire a theory that would change the world — and proves an irresistible destination for adventurers and nature-lovers to this day.

    Special Note: Due to the nature of the day trips on this program, it is not suitable for guests who have walking difficulty or utilize a wheelchair. Guests must be able to get in and out of small dinghy boats with little to no assistance. Also, any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    DAY 1 – January 14, 2023

    Disembark your ship in the port of Manta and transfer by road 3-hours to Guayaquil for a flight to the Galapagos Islands.

    Upon arrival at Baltra Airport, a Galapagos Naturalist Guide will welcome the group and help with luggage and guidance towards a public bus that will drive towards the Itabaca Channel. Next board a public ferry for a 5-minute crossing of the azure waters of the channel towards Santa Cruz. On Santa Cruz, board a private vehicle to transfer to Puerto Ayora on the other side of the island. Driving through the rural areas of the island, you will experience the agriculture of the archipelago as well as the diversity of its flora. Surrounded by wild landscapes and different species, keep a lookout for the finches that are famous for being the basis of Darwin´s theory of evolution.

    Lunch will be served at a local venue in the highlands.

    During your visit to the Santa Cruz Highlands, watch the famous Galapagos land tortoises in their natural environment and learn how the private ranches aid to protect these special animals. You can hear their sounds while they are trying to eat the leaves of the trees or crashing through the undergrowth. Tortoises of all different ages and sizes gather here: small young ones with shining carapaces, and older ones which are a little bit more laggard and cracks in their shells showing evidence of a long life. While seeking the giant tortoises, your local guide will share the story of the origin the lava tunnels located at this area. Formed by the lava floods of the volcanoes, they range from the highlands down to the sea level.

    Continue to your hotel for check-in. Dinner is served at the hotel after an exciting and memorable day.

    The 4-star rated Galapagos Habitat Eco Luxury Lodge is a small boutique-type 17-room hotel with a waterfront location (Puerto Ayora Bay) and surrounded by mangroves. Stylish but quite simple, the rooms have either water or mangrove views.

    DAY 2 – January 15, 2023

    Today take a full day boat tour to one of the nearby Islands. The island chosen for the day is subject to confirmation by Galapagos National Park Management much closer to the program operation date. This government institution assigns the island tours based on technical ecological analysis and is dependent on the number of groups visiting the area at the same time. RSSC nor our local ground operator can control which programs are chosen for each day. Start times vary from 6:00am – 8:30am depending on the program.

    Island Tours:


    Experience a day in paradise with beautiful white beaches, outer space ambient, clear water, and observe as many native animals start their day.

    On the two-hour boat trip breakfast is served while watching the sunrise at sea. There may be an opportunity to observe dolphins and other marine residents very close to the boat in the early hours.

    Landing in Bartolome, approximately 300 steps lead up through the moon-like landscape to the highest point of the island. The reward is an amazing view over the islands Santiago, North Seymour, Baltra, Santa Cruz and Rábida. Also in view is Chinese Hat Island, as well as the well-known Pinnacle Rock, which is all that remains of an ancient volcano. The rock is home to a large quantity of sea birds and is the most photographed landscape in the Galapagos Islands.

    After changing clothes for a beach visit, board the dinghy-ride for a short ride to Sullivan Bay for snorkeling. Those who don't wish to snorkel may stay on the dinghy to search among the rocks for the diminutive Galapagos Penguin. Back at the beach enjoy some time to relax or swim. The shallow sea invites you to go swimming and snorkeling while we search for Galapagos penguins, sharks, starfish, rays, sea turtles and other exotic and colorful fish. Enjoy the diversity of native residents such as marine iguanas, sea lions, pelicans, and more. After this amazing adventure, lunch is served on the return journey.


    This tour offers the golden chance to get to know Seymour Island and Bachas beach. During the 1-hour boat navigation to Seymour Island, observe the slow awakening of the archipelago as the day begins.

    Disembark your boat and board a dinghy for a ride along the rocky coast near a small forest consisting of gray and silver Palo Santo (Holy Stick) trees, which are without leaves for most of the year. Seymour is famous for its large colonies of birds. The unique male frigate birds with their inflated red pouches attract females during breeding season, and the famous Galapagos blue-footed boobies can be observed as well. Other highlights of this excursion are a beach with small cliffs, seagulls, many sea lions, marine iguanas and pelicans, most only an arm's length away.

    A freshly cooked lunch consists of two courses and is served on the boat. After lunch, your boat navigates to Bachas beach along the northern coast of Santa Cruz Island. Take a short hike to the flamingo pond just behind the beach, and afterwards refresh with swimming and snorkeling at this isolated paradise beach with white sand and turquoise waters. Sea lions, rays, sea turtles, and tropical fish may join in our underwater experience!


    Board a boat and cruise to South Plaza Island. The island welcomes travelers with a bright colorful red and green carpet of sesuvio, an endemic plant, spread over the Island, as well as the loud, friendly barking of several sea lion families which have settled down on the shore of the channel between North and South Plaza Islands where your boat anchors. The turquoise water of the ocean juxtaposes perfectly with the white shining beaches and the black lava rocks of the coast.

    The hike is easy and goes alongside relaxing sea lions and land iguanas which can be found on most parts of the island. The trail leads to the highest cliff where swallow-tailed gulls cross the air screaming. Here lie the sea lions which could not persist against their competitors climbing up the almost vertical wall. At the same time, tropical birds, blue-footed boobies, and other marine frigate birds glide gently in the wind. We suggest guests bring along binoculars in order to get an extraordinary close view of these animals, as well as the other marine life. The view from the highest point over the ocean and the powerful waves breaking at the cliffs is an experience that visitors will not forget.

    Afterwards, the trip continues to Punta Carrion, where lunch is served on board the boat. This is a great spot to snorkel and swim among rays, sharks, and hundreds of colorful tropic fish.


    Formed by uplifting, rather than by a volcano, Santa Fe is known for having one of the most beautiful coves in all the Galapagos. Some of the island’s endemic species include the Galapagos hawk, Galapagos snake, land iguanas, various types of finches, and the Galapagos mockingbird. The visit includes a hike on a trail past salt bushes where Galapagos hawks as well as the Santa Fe land iguanas tend to roam. Playful sea lions will usually accompany swimmers and snorkelers during beach time.


    Navigate to the small town of Puerto Velasco Ibarra located on the Floreana Island (approximately 2.5 hours from Santa Cruz). Upon arrival, take local transportation known as “Chiva” to start a 30-minute ride up to the highlands of Floreana Island. The chiva will ascend a dirt road surrounded by typical dry vegetation which transforms into a lush, green vegetation as you gain elevation. In this area, you will also find some farms with banana, coffee, cacao, and other tropical plantations. The short drive will end at the “pampada” from where you will start a beautiful walk to observe the typical flora of the area. Along the way you will also encounter some giant Galapagos tortoises. Continue to the place known as “Asilo de la Paz” (Peace Asylum), a historical place where the German Wittmer family settled down when they arrived to Floreana in 1932. Observe the caves used as their home before moving to the place which is now known as Puerto Velasco Ibarra. Back in town, enjoy lunch prepared in a small, local restaurant.

    Next, walk to “La Loberia”, a beautiful bay. The main attraction is the presence of a small colony of sea lions. There is also a great chance to observe marine iguanas resting on the rocks, and in the waters of the bay we may be able to see marine turtles.


    This morning, sail to the town of Puerto Villamil on Isabela Island (approximately 3 hours from Santa Cruz). Upon arrival, visit the Isabela Tortoise Breading and Interpretation Center where your guide will explain the different activities developed by the National Park to protect the fragile environment. Here, you will also find Giant Galapagos Tortoises of different species and sizes.

    Afterwards, walk to the place known as “Humedales” (Wetlands). The walk follows a well-maintained path from which you can observe this beautiful place composed by lagoons and rocks and surrounded by four species of mangroves and typical trees of the area. In the lagoons you can observe flamingos and migratory birds.

    After lunch at a local restaurant, visit "Las Tintoreras”, a scenic area where you will find colonies of marine iguanas, sea lions, and many sharks known as Tintoreras (White-tipped sharks) resting in the channels formed by lava flows. Later, you can do some snorkeling, perhaps in the company of sea lions, penguins and marine turtles.

    Regardless of the program selected for the day, your trip ends with a late afternoon return and dinner at your hotel.

    Please Note:

    Boat tours may be shared with independent guests

    Boat sailing during the navigable day tour is usually rough and due to sea conditions, may take longer than 2 hours. The islands to be visited are determined at the sole discretion of the Galapagos National Park Management.

    DAY 3 – January 16, 2023

    This day will be similar to Day 2 but with a different island visited. As with Day 2, the island visited is subject to confirmation closer to program operation.

    Your day trip ends with a late afternoon return and dinner at your hotel.

    DAY 4 – January 17, 2023

    After breakfast, transfer to and visit the Charles Darwin Research Station and its famous residents within an impressive giant prickly-pear cactus forest. These are the headquarters of scientific investigation, conservation, and the National Park administration in the islands.

    Gain insight into the huge efforts being made by scientists, guides, rangers and park managers to preserve this UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Charles Darwin Research Station is also part of the "Centro de Crianza Fausto Llerena" which is the breeding center for the tortoises. Tortoises are raised here in the care of researchers and then when ready re-introduced into their natural environment.

    After this visit, transfer to the airport. On the way, make a short stop to see the Twin Craters. Enjoy a light lunch at the VIP Lounge in Baltra Airport.

    Upon arrival at the Quito Airport, a local guide be waiting to assist the group with check-in procedures for an international flight to Lima where another guide will meet the group for the transfer to the Callao port where you will re-embark the ship.

    Land Program Step by Step:

    Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. This itinerary may change without prior notice due to National Park dispositions or due to force majeure. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Direct flights are never guaranteed. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.

    DAY 1 – timings are dependent on flight details once confirmed

    5:30am Disembarkation at Manta Port

    5:45am Transfer to the Guayaquil’s Airport

    9:15am Arrival to Guayaquil’s Airport and check in procedures

    11:15am Flight to Baltra Island (Flight details TBA and subject to change)

    12:20pm Arrival to Baltra Airport and transfer to Santa Cruz Island

    1:30pm Lunch and visit to the Highlands of Santa Cruz

    4:30pm Transfer to your hotel & check in

    7:00pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Galapagos Habitat Hotel or similar hotel

    DAY 2

    7:00am Breakfast at your hotel or onboard the boat (depending on the navigable tour)

    TBA Navigable tour – to be assigned closer to operation

    TBA Lunch onboard or in a seated venue (depends on the visited island)

    TBA Navigate back to the dock and return to your hotel

    5:00pm Leisure time

    7:00pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Galapagos Habitat Hotel or similar hotel

    DAY 3

    7:00am Breakfast at your hotel or onboard the boat (depending on the navigable tour)

    TBA Navigable tour – to be assigned closer to operation

    TBA Lunch onboard or in a seated venue (depends on the visited island)

    TBA Navigate back to the dock and return to your hotel

    5:00pm Leisure time

    7:00pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Galapagos Habitat Hotel or similar hotel

    DAY 4 – timings are dependent on flight details once confirmed

    7:30am Breakfast at your hotel

    8:00am Transfer to the Charles Darwin Research Station and visit

    09:45am Transfer to the airport with a short stop at the Twin Craters

    10:15am Visit the Twin Craters

    11:30am Arrival to Baltra Airport and check in procedures

    11:45am Lunch at the VIP Lounge

    12:45pm Flight to Quito (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    5:05pm Arrival to Quito airport and assistance for International Flight Check In

    8:00pm Flight to Lima (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    9:55pm Arrival to Lima

    10:15pm Transfer to Callao

    10:45pm Re-board the ship

    Expected Weather:

    The Galapagos Islands have a subtropical climate regulated by the cold Humboldt Current and the warm El Nino current. Weather varies during the year. From December until May temperatures range from the low 80°s (26 C°) to the high 90°s (32°) (with possibilities of rain). From June to September temperatures vary from the low 60°s (15 C°) to the high 70°s (21°). This is the garua season (mist in the mornings). From October until December temperatures range from the 70°s (15 C°) to the 80°s (26 C°) (dry season).

    What to Bring:

    It is not necessary to carry much to the Galapagos, pack light and pack smart. Lightweight, fast drying materials are recommended.

    ?Light loose pants, shorts, shirts (short and long sleeved)

    ?A windbreaker or light sweater for evening or early morning

    ?Hat, sunscreen, sunglasses

    ?Shoes: you will have dry landings (step directly from the dinghy onto dry land) and wet landings (wade to shore from the dinghy through shallow water). You can either bring one pair of “hybrid” shoes that are good for walking and getting wet (Keens are great; Chacos and Tevas work as well), or one set of footwear for getting wet (sandals or water shoes) and one pair to bring ashore in a backpack for hiking (light hikers or sneakers)

    ?Small backpack to carry on land visits for your camera and water

    ?Plastic bag to keep your camera or photographic equipment dry

    ?Snorkeling gear (not essential)

    ?On board the day trip boats, snorkeling gear will be available for all passengers. If you use a fin size smaller than 6-7 or larger than 10-11, please bring your own as these sizes may not be available.

    ?Wetsuit (not essential)

    ?Any required medications and seasick tablets if you are prone to motion sickness on boats


    ?Insect repellent

    Local Currency:

    Ecuador’s local currency is US Dollars


    Ecuador uses 110 volt,60 cycle electricity, same as in the USA. Plugs are typically the 2-pronged flat type so US travelers will not typically need a converter or adapter. In case needed, hotels can provide adaptors.

    Luggage information

    The luggage allowance for all flights on this program are as follows:

    One piece of luggage per person is permitted free of charge. Maximum weight 50 lbs (23 kg)

    Each guest is permitted free of charge one carry-on bag with a maximum of 15 lbs (7 kg).

    Should guests have excess or overweight luggage, any fees will be paid by each guest at the various airports upon check in. The approximate cost is $120 USD per additional suitcase and an additional $120 USD for an overweight bag. Prices are set by the airlines and are subject to change.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has their own regulations)

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via the Reservations Team at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which the cruise line nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Documents and Visa Requirements:

    Please note that passport holders are responsible for obtaining the required documentation applicable for entry. Passports must be valid for at least six (6) months after completion of your journey and should also have sufficient blank pages for visas and immigrations stamps. Guests should check with their local Embassy for any Visa stipulations for their nationality and ensure that proper documentation is obtained if necessary.

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time or incorrect names on flight tickets will result in either denial of travel or ticket re-purchase and guests will be responsible for any fees incurred.

    Aircraft type (subject to change):

    To Galapagos - Airbus A319

    Quito to Lima – Airbus or Boeing


    Galapagos Habitat Hotel

    Ave Charles Darwin, y, Puerto Ayora 200350, Ecuador

    *We will only substitute a hotel in unforeseen situations. If a hotel is substituted, it will be similar and with equal ratings and standards and guests will be notified in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes before departure, then the hotel listed in this program will be used.

    Program Includes for guests:

    •Private transportation with air-conditioning (except airport transfer in Baltra)

    •English-speaking guides

    •Airport assistance in Guayaquil

    •Galapagos Naturalist Guide (provided by the Galapagos National Park) to accompany and guide the guests in the Galapagos Islands

    •1 x 250 ml bottle of water per person on each transfer in the mainland and Galapagos Island

    •3 nights at the Galapagos Habitat Hotel or similar hotel – Double room

    •Meals as described in the itinerary - 1 soft drink and 2 alcoholic beverages per person at lunch and dinner

    •All activities mentioned in the itinerary

    •Porterage at the Guayaquil & Lima airports

    •Economy class flights per the itinerary

    Program Excludes for guests:

    •Any meals and beverages not listed in the itinerary (including alcoholic beverages and extra soft drinks)

    •All items of a personal nature, such as telephone calls, laundry & curio shop purchases

    •Gratuities for drivers and guides

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service

    •Excess or overweight luggage

    •Any Visa fees if required for your nationality

    Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.

    All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations.

    Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 60 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 60 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.


    Ecuador’s Galápagos Islands are one of the world’s most remarkable destinations: an open-air wildlife museum that stirs the explorer within everyone. The archipelago, located about 600 miles west of mainland Ecuador, is home to an astonishing variety of endemic species — enough to inspire a theory that would change the world — and proves an irresistible destination for adventurers and nature-lovers to this day.

    Special Note: Due to the nature of the day trips on this program, it is not suitable for guests who have walking difficulty or utilize a wheelchair. Guests must be able to get in and out of small dinghy boats with little to no assistance. Also, any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    DAY 1 – January 14, 2023

    Disembark your ship in the port of Manta and transfer by road 3-hours to Guayaquil for a flight to the Galapagos Islands.

    Upon arrival at Baltra Airport, a Galapagos Naturalist Guide will welcome the group and help with luggage and guidance towards a public bus that will drive towards the Itabaca Channel. Next board a public ferry for a 5-minute crossing of the azure waters of the channel towards Santa Cruz. On Santa Cruz, board a private vehicle to transfer to Puerto Ayora on the other side of the island. Driving through the rural areas of the island, you will experience the agriculture of the archipelago as well as the diversity of its flora. Surrounded by wild landscapes and different species, keep a lookout for the finches that are famous for being the basis of Darwin´s theory of evolution.

    Lunch will be served at a local venue in the highlands.

    During your visit to the Santa Cruz Highlands, watch the famous Galapagos land tortoises in their natural environment and learn how the private ranches aid to protect these special animals. You can hear their sounds while they are trying to eat the leaves of the trees or crashing through the undergrowth. Tortoises of all different ages and sizes gather here: small young ones with shining carapaces, and older ones which are a little bit more laggard and cracks in their shells showing evidence of a long life. While seeking the giant tortoises, your local guide will share the story of the origin the lava tunnels located at this area. Formed by the lava floods of the volcanoes, they range from the highlands down to the sea level.

    Continue to your hotel for check-in. Dinner is served at the hotel after an exciting and memorable day.

    DAY 2 – January 15, 2023

    Today take a full day boat tour to one of the nearby Islands. The island chosen for the day is subject to confirmation by Galapagos National Park Management much closer to the program operation date. This government institution assigns the island tours based on technical ecological analysis and is dependent on the number of groups visiting the area at the same time. RSSC nor our local ground operator can control which programs are chosen for each day. Start times vary from 6:00am – 8:30am depending on the program.

    Island Tours:


    Experience a day in paradise with beautiful white beaches, outer space ambient, clear water, and observe as many native animals start their day.

    On the two-hour boat trip breakfast is served while watching the sunrise at sea. There may be an opportunity to observe dolphins and other marine residents very close to the boat in the early hours.

    Landing in Bartolome, approximately 300 steps lead up through the moon-like landscape to the highest point of the island. The reward is an amazing view over the islands Santiago, North Seymour, Baltra, Santa Cruz and Rábida. Also in view is Chinese Hat Island, as well as the well-known Pinnacle Rock, which is all that remains of an ancient volcano. The rock is home to a large quantity of sea birds and is the most photographed landscape in the Galapagos Islands.

    After changing clothes for a beach visit, board the dinghy-ride for a short ride to Sullivan Bay for snorkeling. Those who don't wish to snorkel may stay on the dinghy to search among the rocks for the diminutive Galapagos Penguin. Back at the beach enjoy some time to relax or swim. The shallow sea invites you to go swimming and snorkeling while we search for Galapagos penguins, sharks, starfish, rays, sea turtles and other exotic and colorful fish. Enjoy the diversity of native residents such as marine iguanas, sea lions, pelicans, and more. After this amazing adventure, lunch is served on the return journey.


    This tour offers the golden chance to get to know Seymour Island and Bachas beach. During the 1-hour boat navigation to Seymour Island, observe the slow awakening of the archipelago as the day begins.

    Disembark your boat and board a dinghy for a ride along the rocky coast near a small forest consisting of gray and silver Palo Santo (Holy Stick) trees, which are without leaves for most of the year. Seymour is famous for its large colonies of birds. The unique male frigate birds with their inflated red pouches attract females during breeding season, and the famous Galapagos blue-footed boobies can be observed as well. Other highlights of this excursion are a beach with small cliffs, seagulls, many sea lions, marine iguanas and pelicans, most only an arm's length away.

    A freshly cooked lunch consists of two courses and is served on the boat. After lunch, your boat navigates to Bachas beach along the northern coast of Santa Cruz Island. Take a short hike to the flamingo pond just behind the beach, and afterwards refresh with swimming and snorkeling at this isolated paradise beach with white sand and turquoise waters. Sea lions, rays, sea turtles, and tropical fish may join in our underwater experience!


    Board a boat and cruise to South Plaza Island. The island welcomes travelers with a bright colorful red and green carpet of sesuvio, an endemic plant, spread over the Island, as well as the loud, friendly barking of several sea lion families which have settled down on the shore of the channel between North and South Plaza Islands where your boat anchors. The turquoise water of the ocean juxtaposes perfectly with the white shining beaches and the black lava rocks of the coast.

    The hike is easy and goes alongside relaxing sea lions and land iguanas which can be found on most parts of the island. The trail leads to the highest cliff where swallow-tailed gulls cross the air screaming. Here lie the sea lions which could not persist against their competitors climbing up the almost vertical wall. At the same time, tropical birds, blue-footed boobies, and other marine frigate birds glide gently in the wind. We suggest guests bring along binoculars in order to get an extraordinary close view of these animals, as well as the other marine life. The view from the highest point over the ocean and the powerful waves breaking at the cliffs is an experience that visitors will not forget.

    Afterwards, the trip continues to Punta Carrion, where lunch is served on board the boat. This is a great spot to snorkel and swim among rays, sharks, and hundreds of colorful tropic fish.


    Formed by uplifting, rather than by a volcano, Santa Fe is known for having one of the most beautiful coves in all the Galapagos. Some of the island’s endemic species include the Galapagos hawk, Galapagos snake, land iguanas, various types of finches, and the Galapagos mockingbird. The visit includes a hike on a trail past salt bushes where Galapagos hawks as well as the Santa Fe land iguanas tend to roam. Playful sea lions will usually accompany swimmers and snorkelers during beach time.


    Navigate to the small town of Puerto Velasco Ibarra located on the Floreana Island (approximately 2.5 hours from Santa Cruz). Upon arrival, take local transportation known as “Chiva” to start a 30-minute ride up to the highlands of Floreana Island. The chiva will ascend a dirt road surrounded by typical dry vegetation which transforms into a lush, green vegetation as you gain elevation. In this area, you will also find some farms with banana, coffee, cacao, and other tropical plantations. The short drive will end at the “pampada” from where you will start a beautiful walk to observe the typical flora of the area. Along the way you will also encounter some giant Galapagos tortoises. Continue to the place known as “Asilo de la Paz” (Peace Asylum), a historical place where the German Wittmer family settled down when they arrived to Floreana in 1932. Observe the caves used as their home before moving to the place which is now known as Puerto Velasco Ibarra. Back in town, enjoy lunch prepared in a small, local restaurant.

    Next, walk to “La Loberia”, a beautiful bay. The main attraction is the presence of a small colony of sea lions. There is also a great chance to observe marine iguanas resting on the rocks, and in the waters of the bay we may be able to see marine turtles.


    This morning, sail to the town of Puerto Villamil on Isabela Island (approximately 3 hours from Santa Cruz). Upon arrival, visit the Isabela Tortoise Breading and Interpretation Center where your guide will explain the different activities developed by the National Park to protect the fragile environment. Here, you will also find Giant Galapagos Tortoises of different species and sizes.

    Afterwards, walk to the place known as “Humedales” (Wetlands). The walk follows a well-maintained path from which you can observe this beautiful place composed by lagoons and rocks and surrounded by four species of mangroves and typical trees of the area. In the lagoons you can observe flamingos and migratory birds.

    After lunch at a local restaurant, visit "Las Tintoreras”, a scenic area where you will find colonies of marine iguanas, sea lions, and many sharks known as Tintoreras (White-tipped sharks) resting in the channels formed by lava flows. Later, you can do some snorkeling, perhaps in the company of sea lions, penguins and marine turtles.

    Regardless of the program selected for the day, your trip ends with a late afternoon return and dinner at your hotel.

    Please Note:

    Boat tours may be shared with independent guests

    Boat sailing during the navigable day tour is usually rough and due to sea conditions, may take longer than 2 hours. The islands to be visited are determined at the sole discretion of the Galapagos National Park Management.

    DAY 3 – January 16, 2023

    This day will be similar to Day 2 but with a different island visited. As with Day 2, the island visited is subject to confirmation closer to program operation.

    Your day trip ends with a late afternoon return and dinner at your hotel.

    DAY 4 – January 17, 2023

    After breakfast, transfer to and visit the Charles Darwin Research Station and its famous residents within an impressive giant prickly-pear cactus forest. These are the headquarters of scientific investigation, conservation, and the National Park administration in the islands.

    Gain insight into the huge efforts being made by scientists, guides, rangers and park managers to preserve this UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Charles Darwin Research Station is also part of the "Centro de Crianza Fausto Llerena" which is the breeding center for the tortoises. Tortoises are raised here in the care of researchers and then when ready re-introduced into their natural environment.

    After this visit, transfer to the airport. On the way, make a short stop to see the Twin Craters. Enjoy a light lunch at the VIP Lounge in Baltra Airport.

    Upon arrival at the Quito Airport, a local guide be waiting to assist the group with check-in procedures for an international flight to Lima where another guide will meet the group for the transfer to the Callao port where you will re-embark the ship.

    Land Program Step by Step:

    Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. This itinerary may change without prior notice due to National Park dispositions or due to force majeure. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Direct flights are never guaranteed. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.

    DAY 1 – timings are dependent on flight details once confirmed

    5:30am Disembarkation at Manta Port

    5:45am Transfer to the Guayaquil’s Airport

    9:15am Arrival to Guayaquil’s Airport and check in procedures

    11:15am Flight to Baltra Island (Flight details TBA and subject to change)

    12:20pm Arrival to Baltra Airport and transfer to Santa Cruz Island

    1:30pm Lunch and visit to the Highlands of Santa Cruz

    4:30pm Transfer to your hotel & check in

    7:00pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Finch Bay Hotel or similar hotel

    DAY 2

    7:00am Breakfast at your hotel or onboard the boat (depending on the navigable tour)

    TBA Navigable tour – to be assigned closer to operation

    TBA Lunch onboard or in a seated venue (depends on the visited island)

    TBA Navigate back to the dock and return to your hotel

    5:00pm Leisure time

    7:00pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Finch Bay Hotel or similar hotel

    DAY 3

    7:00am Breakfast at your hotel or onboard the boat (depending on the navigable tour)

    TBA Navigable tour – to be assigned closer to operation

    TBA Lunch onboard or in a seated venue (depends on the visited island)

    TBA Navigate back to the dock and return to your hotel

    5:00pm Leisure time

    7:00pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Finch Bay Hotel or similar hotel

    DAY 4 – timings are dependent on flight details once confirmed

    7:30am Breakfast at your hotel

    8:00am Transfer to the Charles Darwin Research Station and visit

    09:45am Transfer to the airport with a short stop at the Twin Craters

    10:15am Visit the Twin Craters

    11:30am Arrival to Baltra Airport and check in procedures

    11:45am Lunch at the VIP Lounge

    12:45pm Flight to Quito (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    5:05pm Arrival to Quito airport and assistance for International Flight Check In

    8:00pm Flight to Lima (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    9:55pm Arrival to Lima

    10:15pm Transfer to Callao

    10:45pm Re-board the ship

    Expected Weather:

    The Galapagos Islands have a subtropical climate regulated by the cold Humboldt Current and the warm El Nino current. Weather varies during the year. From December until May temperatures range from the low 80°s (26 C°) to the high 90°s (32°) (with possibilities of rain). From June to September temperatures vary from the low 60°s (15 C°) to the high 70°s (21°). This is the garua season (mist in the mornings). From October until December temperatures range from the 70°s (15 C°) to the 80°s (26 C°) (dry season).

    What to Bring:

    It is not necessary to carry much to the Galapagos, pack light and pack smart. Lightweight, fast drying materials are recommended.

    ?Light loose pants, shorts, shirts (short and long sleeved)

    ?A windbreaker or light sweater for evening or early morning

    ?Hat, sunscreen, sunglasses

    ?Shoes: you will have dry landings (step directly from the dinghy onto dry land) and wet landings (wade to shore from the dinghy through shallow water). You can either bring one pair of “hybrid” shoes that are good for walking and getting wet (Keens are great; Chacos and Tevas work as well), or one set of footwear for getting wet (sandals or water shoes) and one pair to bring ashore in a backpack for hiking (light hikers or sneakers)

    ?Small backpack to carry on land visits for your camera and water

    ?Plastic bag to keep your camera or photographic equipment dry

    ?Snorkeling gear (not essential)

    ?On board the day trip boats, snorkeling gear will be available for all passengers. If you use a fin size smaller than 6-7 or larger than 10-11, please bring your own as these sizes may not be available.

    ?Wetsuit (not essential)

    ?Any required medications and seasick tablets if you are prone to motion sickness on boats


    ?Insect repellent

    Local Currency:

    Ecuador’s local currency is US Dollars


    Ecuador uses 110 volt,60 cycle electricity, same as in the USA. Plugs are typically the 2-pronged flat type so US travelers will not typically need a converter or adapter. In case needed, hotels can provide adaptors.

    Luggage information

    The luggage allowance for all flights on this program are as follows:

    One piece of luggage per person is permitted free of charge. Maximum weight 50 lbs (23 kg)

    Each guest is permitted free of charge one carry-on bag with a maximum of 15 lbs (7 kg).

    Should guests have excess or overweight luggage, any fees will be paid by each guest at the various airports upon check in. The approximate cost is $120 USD per additional suitcase and an additional $120 USD for an overweight bag. Prices are set by the airlines and are subject to change.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has their own regulations)

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via the Reservations Team at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which the cruise line nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Documents and Visa Requirements:

    Please note that passport holders are responsible for obtaining the required documentation applicable for entry. Passports must be valid for at least six (6) months after completion of your journey and should also have sufficient blank pages for visas and immigrations stamps. Guests should check with their local Embassy for any Visa stipulations for their nationality and ensure that proper documentation is obtained if necessary.

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time or incorrect names on flight tickets will result in either denial of travel or ticket re-purchase and guests will be responsible for any fees incurred.

    Aircraft type (subject to change):

    Airbus A319 – economy class seats


    Finch Bay Hotel

    Address: Barrio Punta Estrada, Puerto Ayora, Ecuador

    Phone: (844) 391-4613

    *We will only substitute a hotel in unforeseen situations. If a hotel is substituted, it will be similar and with equal ratings and standards and guests will be notified in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes before departure, then the hotel listed in this program will be used.

    Program Includes for guests:

    •Private transportation with air-conditioning (except airport transfer in Baltra)

    •English-speaking guides

    •Airport assistance in Guayaquil

    •Galapagos Naturalist Guide (provided by the Galapagos National Park) to accompany and guide the guests in the Galapagos Islands

    •1 x 250 ml bottle of water per person on each transfer in the mainland and Galapagos Island

    •3 nights at the Finch Bay Hotel or similar hotel – Finch Bay Room

    •Meals as described in the itinerary - 1 soft drink and 2 alcoholic beverages per person at lunch and dinner

    •All activities mentioned in the itinerary •Porterage at the Guayaquil & Lima airports

    •Economy class flights per the itinerary

    Program Excludes for guests:

    •Any meals and beverages not listed in the itinerary (including alcoholic beverages and extra soft drinks)

    •All items of a personal nature, such as telephone calls, laundry & curio shop purchases

    •Gratuities for drivers and guides

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service

    •Excess or overweight luggage

    •Any Visa fees if required for your nationality

    Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.

    All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations.

    Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 60 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 60 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.

Allow us to take care of every detail.
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