Piraeus is the gateway to the ancient city of Athens, known as the “Cradle of Western Civilization” because of its immense impact on cultural and political achievements throughout the world. Due mainly to tourism and the 2004 Olympics, Greece has redeveloped many sites in Athens. A historian’s delight, Athens is home to such magnificent wonders as: the Acropolis, the Parthenon, the atmospheric winding streets of the Plaka, Temple of Olympian Zeus and Temple of Athena Nike, and the Archaeological Museum with the world’s finest collection of ancient artifacts.

Port: Athens (Piraeus)

Athens (Piraeus)

All programs below may not be available on every sailing.

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    Discover the wonders of antiquity on the Peloponnese peninsula by exploring archaeological sites in Epidaurus, Mycenae and Corinth, and experience the joys of daily life in Nafplion.

    Important Note:

    There is a large number of steps and uneven walking paths in Epidaurus, Palamidi and at the site of Mycenae.

    Nafplion’s old town consists of cobblestoned streets. Guests need to be sure footed, can negotiate uneven ground, steps and cobblestones. Large bags are not allowed inside the Archaeological Sites.

    DAY 1

    Disembark the ship in Piraeus, meet your guide and begin the scenic drive to Epidaurus.

    Drive through picturesque and twisting roads, passing some typically Greek country villages on the way. Arrive in Epidaurus, which is situated on the cool slopes of a beautifully wooded valley and is known for its stunning Ancient Theater.

    One of the most important sanctuaries in the ancient world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Epidaurus was dedicated to the God of Medicine, Asklepios. Explore the Archaeological wonders surrounding the sanctuary, including the Temple of Asklepios and the Tholos of Epidaurus. Discover the secrets of ancient medicine and the sanctuary’s significance in the healing practices of the time.

    The world-famous Theater of Epidaurus, built in the 4th century BC, is a marvel of harmony and acoustics and the best-preserved ancient theater in Greece. Built out of limestone, it seats 12,000 spectators. Attending the performances of ancient drama during the summer season is an unforgettable experience.

    After your guided tour at the theater, you will have free time for a stroll, take photographs, or purchase refreshments at an area café.

    Continue your journey to Nafplion, one of Greece's prettiest towns. The narrow streets of the old town are filled with elegant Venetian houses and gracious, neoclassical mansions. The towering Palamidi Fortress dominates the setting.

    After lunch at a local restaurant, you’ll walk around the town with your guide. Marvel at the beautiful neoclassical buildings lining the port, while walking to Kapodistriou Square and Park, dedicated to the memory of the first governor of Greece. In the park, with beloved Palamidi in the background, is also the statue of Kolokotronis, known as the Grand Old Man of the Morea, as he was the leader of the Greeks during the War of Independence.

    Continuing through the back streets not normally seen by tourists, you will come upon the Old Catholic Church and the 1702 Church of Agios Spyridon. The worry beads you see everywhere in Greece have a museum of their own in Nafplion; you will have a short visit in the Museum and learn more of their origin.

    Next, you will proceed through the popular Syntagma Square (Constitution Square), to visit the spectacular display of folk costumes and traditional textile-producing techniques at the Popular Art Museum, winner of the 1981 European Museum of the year.

    After learning of the ways of past-Greeks, the tour proceeds on to the Wine Shop, where you will enjoy a taste of a more-modern Greek life and sample the favourite spirit of the Greeks: ouzo. The owner is regarded as a specialist of Greek wines.

    You will then visit the fabulous Venetian fortress of Palamidi with its splendid views over the hill of Argonauplia, the town of Nafplion and the Bourtzi offshore. The fortress is very well-preserved and this great mass of masonry, with walls and fortifications that made it impregnable, broods menacingly over the town.

    As you ascend the fortress, navigating through its formidable bastions and fortified wall, you will be captivated by the strategic design that once defended against invaders. Discover the history of Palamidi, built in the 18th century by the Venetians, and later played a significant role in the Greek War of Independence.

    After your visit is completed, you will proceed at your hotel, where you will have some time for relaxation before going out for dinner, to a local restaurant for traditional Greek tastes.

    Your evening will end at your hotel for an overnight.

    DAY 2

    Enjoy breakfast at your hotel, meet your guide and board your coach for another captivating expedition - from the charming town of Nafplion to the mythical realms of Mycenae, unravelling the threads of ancient history and many archaeological wonders.

    You will enjoy a drive through the picturesque countryside, olive groves and vineyards, until you reach the legendary Archaeological Site of Mycenae, a city steeped in mythology and history. Schlieman, a German archaeologist who was obsessed with finding the grave of King Agamemnon, carried out the first in-depth excavations here in 1876. His diligent work exposed the famous Lions Gate, the entrance to the city, which contains the shaft burial graves of some ancient nobles.

    A short distance away is the Beehive Tomb, so named due to its unusual shape. Wander around the ancient ruins, surrounded by the imposing Cyclopean Walls, marveling at the engineering prowess of the Mycenean civilization. You can imagine the city’s former glory, as you hear the guide’s narration about Agamemnon and the Trojan War.

    Next, visit one of the most famous wineries in Greece, located in Nemea area; Nemea is possibly Greece’s most important red wine appellation. The mountains and valleys surrounding the small town of Nemea have been producing wine since the 5th century BC, mostly from the native “Agiorgitiko” grape.

    Nowadays a wide range of styles are made from the grape variety, from rich, age-worthy dry wines to lighter and sweeter examples. Sited among lush vineyards, the winery welcomes you to its ultramodern winemaking facility foiled by elegant Greek architecture. Your visit includes an opportunity to see the winery and the machinery, and to learn the philosophy behind modern winemaking. Get the chance to indulge in a curated wine tasting, sampling a selection of the winery’s finest wines, while you enjoy lunch served at the winery premises.

    From the winery, set forth to Ancient Corinth, a city steeped in mythology and historical significance.

    St. Paul lived and preached in the ancient town of Corinth, for two years. In ancient times, Corinth was amongst the richest cities, and this is quite evident by its remains, including the huge Agora Market Place and Apollo's Temple. Traverse the Archaeological site, where the remnants of the Temple and the imposing Acrocorinth stand as testaments to Corinth’ once-great prominence. You will learn stories about commerce, culture and the diversity that define this thriving city.

    Once your visit is completed, you will head back to the port of Piraeus, making a short photo stop at the famous Corinth Canal, a feat of human ingenuity that connects the Aegean Sea to the Ionian Sea. Marvel at the steep cliffs that flank the canal and capture the perfect snapshot of the surroundings.

    Land Program Step by Step:

    Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. All program details and the timings indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.

    DAY 1

    7:30am Disembark at the port Piraeus and meet your guide

    8:00am Depart Piraeus for Epidaurus

    10:00am Arrive in Epidaurus, guided visit of the Site

    11:30am Depart for Nafplion

    12:00pm Arrive in Nafplion and walk to your lunch venue

    1:30pm Walking tour in the Old Town and ouzo tasting

    3:15pm Visit Palamidi Fortress

    4:30pm Depart for your hotel

    TBA Check-in

    7:15pm Depart for dinner

    7:30pm Arrive at a local restaurant and enjoy dinner

    9:00pm Return at the hotel

    Hotel is TBA

    DAY 2

    AM Enjoy breakfast at your hotel

    9:30am Depart for Mycenae

    10:00am Arrive in Mycenae Archaeological Site and guided visit

    11:30pm Depart for winery

    12:00pm Visit the winery– wine tasting and lunch

    1:30pm Depart for Ancient Corinth

    2:00pm Arrive in Ancient Corinth, guided visit of the site

    3:15pm Depart for Piraeus with a short photo stop at Corinth Canal

    5:00pm Arrive at the port and re-board the ship

    Expected Weather:

    Expect pleasant autumn weather with daytime highs reaching 73 F / 23 C and nighttime lows around 59 F / 15 C

    What to Bring:

    Light loose clothing, sunglasses, hat, comfortable walking shoes, camera, chargers, light jacket or sweater in case of a cooler evening or early morning


    The Euro

    US Dollars are not accepted


    220V – we recommend brining a universal travel adaptor for electric devices

    Documents and Visa Requirements:

    A valid passport is required


    Hotel details are TBA

    *We will only substitute the hotel in unforeseen situations. If the hotel is substituted, it will be similar and with equal ratings and standards and guests will be notified in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes before departure, then the hotel listed in this program will be used.

    Program Includes:

    •1 night in Nafplion – hotel TBA

    •Professional and fully qualified English-speaking guide

    •Day 1 lunch

    •Day 2 tasting and lunch

    •Day 1 dinner

    •Tastings, tours and entrances per the itinerary

    Program Excludes:

    Gratuities for guides and driver

    Any meals not listed above

    Personal expenses

    Hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service

    Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include: inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.

    All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations.

    Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.

Allow us to take care of every detail.
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